06 May 2012

Making Up -- 101

Losing a loving relationship can cause physical pain as well as mental anguish. You may feel that a band is wrapped tightly around your chest and it’s difficult to breathe – especially when you think of the good times you had together or the words or actions that led to the breakup.

You may also be confused and angry, knowing that you want him back, but clueless about how to do it and still retain your dignity and pride. If the breakup was totally your fault a simple, heartfelt apology might do the trick. But relationships are usually more complicated than that and making up requires more thought and planning.

You can think and plan later – but the most immediate concern should be staying together until you can work out your problems, whatever they may be. If you know that the two of you still have a connection and you both want the relationship to succeed – stop and think about the following steps designed to keep you together until you can sort through the ruins of your relationship.

Immediate Steps You Can Take to Keep Your Relationship Intact:

Call a truce!

Swallow your pride and tell him or her that you’d like to try and make the union work – together. Don’t leave or allow the other person to leave in haste and anger. You can compromise later, but right now the most important step you can take is to calm down, call a truce and then think it through.

Coming Up Monday 7th May 2012...

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