30 December 2018

Want to REALLY have an abundant 2019?


The Einstein Success Code Review


Ever since the bestselling book, “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne was released, the law of attraction has taken the world by storm. Everybody is talking about it and countless books have been released on this topic alone. It has its fans and its detractors.

The question here is – “If one’s life could change by thinking positively alone, why do millions of people languish in despair?”

They’re broke, emotionally unfulfilled and can’t ever seem to catch a break… and here’s the worst part – many of them are desperately trying to use the law of attraction, but to no avail.

The truth of the matter is that while the law of attraction works, there’s a science behind it. A ‘code’ to follow. Positive thinking alone will not suffice. Attraction = attract + action. You need to follow a series of actions to see the wealth or whatever you desire, manifest in your life.

Kevin Rogers, has taken a very unique approach by examining Einstein’s life under a microscope to reveal why the man was such a success. All winners in life have similar traits. It’s a way of thinking that goes beyond just being positive. It’s a ‘code’ that separates the winners from the losers.

The Einstein Success Code puts the science behind the law of attraction. It picks up where The Secret left off… and it has become an online bestseller. Let’s examine the pros and cons of this book.

The Good Points:

  1. The biggest strength of this book is that it teaches you to think laterally rather than linearly. The term ‘think outside the box’ has been mentioned everywhere ad nauseum, but there’s so little information on how exactly to get out of the box. This book shows you how to do it.
  2. The chapter on plasticity of the brain will explain how imagination and creativity will bring you more wealth. You’ll get an inside look at how, Einstein, constantly came up with new theories and ideas.
  3. What many people do not know is that Einstein, was actually a wealthy man for his time. Now you’ll know how he did it… and how you can too. The principles are timeless.
  4. The book comes with a 60-day no questions asked money back guarantee. Kevin is giving you the opportunity to try out The Einstein Success Code risk-free. It doesn’t get better than that.
  5. The book is practical and gives you tips on persevering with the law of success. You’ll not only have enough faith to be impudent with the infinite and ask for what you believe is rightfully yours, but you’ll be equipped with the skills to go out and get it.
  6. The bonus tips in The Einstein Success Code will show you that age doesn’t matter and that all obstacles are surmountable. Most people throw in the towel the moment the going gets tough. This book will give you the fortitude to stay the course.
  7. Kevin, has taken one of the greatest men of all time (Albert Einstein), and dissected his life down to the minutest detail to show you why he was so successful and such a brilliant mind. This is better than reading an autobiography where you’re left to draw your own conclusions.
There’s a saying that success leaves clues. Kevin Rogers, has done an excellent job of exposing many of Einstein’s ‘success clues’ while juxtaposing them with stories and details to emphasize why and how they work so well. Remarkably well-done.

The Bad Points:

  1. Just like most digital downloads, you’ll need to have a computer and an internet connection to download it. The good news is that you can print it out and read it anywhere you want.
  2. At 142 pages, the book is quite long. Reading it alone will not be enough. Taking Einstein’s concepts and way of thinking and applying them to suit you will take some work. Not everyone will want to put in the effort… but those who do will really benefit from the gems in this book.

Should You Get It?

If you wish to find success in whatever you do, this book has your name written all over it. Unlike the run-of-the-mill positive thinking books that litter the market and tell you to use the law of attraction, The Einstein Success Code shows you how you need to think.

There is a method to it. Success is an attitude, and you need to think and act in a certain way. A Pollyanna attitude where you only expect the best to come to you while you laze in your hammock waiting for the universe to provide, will yield NO results.

We live in a world of cause and effect. An object in motion stays in motion. Kevin’s book will show you how to overcome your inertia and failure and start moving forward. By applying the methods in this book, you’ll not only attract wealth into your life, but will notice that your performance in every other area will improve too.

This book can be life-changing if you use it wisely. Definitely two thumbs up.

>>> Get “The Einstein Success Code” Now <<<

23 October 2018

Life Is Beautiful.. Live it Well!

Love is still and will always be the strongest force on our planet...
Success is not always about the money
There are more important things..like family
If you have much, give of your wealth,
if you have little, give of your heart.

09 October 2018

Life Is Beautiful

Love is still and will always be the strongest force on our planet...
Success is not always about the money
There are more important things..like family
If you have much, give of your wealth,
if you have little, give of your heart.

Click Here for more Inspiration

30 August 2018

Happy Teacher's Day!

Why Consider Becoming a Teacher?

Every teacher devotes his or her life to education for reasons as individual to them as any other part of their identity. Still, it usually isn’t the money, and it isn’t the long summer vacation.
Reasons for becoming a teacher are deeper than that, and while they are personal, they are almost all united by the desire to impact peoples’ lives.
There is a demand for great teachers everywhere and a person is called to become a teacher in response to that need.
So, what’s calling you? Why do you want to teach?
Essentially, becoming a teacher lets you improve the quality of education take part in shaping the next generation.

Why be a teacher today?

Because it’s challenging. Because it’s never boring. Because it’s important. Because our democracy depends on what happens in our schools.
People find different reasons and rewards for becoming teachers.
– They teach because they find fulfillment in imparting their knowledge of a subject to an eager new audience.
– They teach because they love the interaction with children and watching the signs of understanding appear on a child’s face.
– They teach because they have such dedication to a particular subject that teaching it to others is a natural way to further own interest in it while getting others to love it as well.
– They teach because they were inspired by a teacher while they were in school and want to become that kind of teacher to their own students.
– They teach because they want to make a difference in the world by making a difference in a child’s life.
If you recognize yourself in any of those statements, if you want to touch the future, then teaching is the profession for you.
Convinced yet?
Teaching isn’t for just anybody. But if the classroom is calling, you may just have what it takes—compassion, generosity and a dedication to positively influencing the lives of others. The world needs more people like you.
Pursue your passions and turn your love of children into a meaningful career.

Download Becoming a teacher guide now!

Android Users Click Here – Become A Teacher!

17 August 2018

How to Get Anything You Want By Using 3 Mind Power Techniques

Have you ever said, “I’ll believe it when I see it?” Isn’t that what we usually say when someone tells us something extraordinary? Do we need to see it for ourselves?

Well, guess what? It’s true. You DO only believe what you see, but it’s not only with your physical eyes. You believe only what you see with your inner eyes as well.

What are your inner eyes? It’s the eyes your mind—your imagination. It’s the visual part of your brain that is always creating images and stories that you come to believe whether good or bad. Whether positive or negative. Whether helpful or destructive.

Your beliefs create your reality, and your beliefs are the result of what you see.

Therefore, when you can see something with the eyes of your mind, you’ll believe it. When that happens power is released—your personal power.

Harnessing the Power of Your Mind. The Power of Positive Thinking. Your mind is a powerful tool.
As with any tool, how effective it is depends upon how it is used.

Learning to use the great and amazing power of your thoughts to manifest your life’s purpose and fulfill your goals is a primary reason that many people explore the subject of consciousness.

Napoleon Hill once stated that “goals are dreams with deadlines.” Manifesting your dreams and fulfilling your life’s purpose is an important reason to use the tools and techniques of meditation to harness the power of your mind and make it work for your benefit in your life.

The choice is yours. The time to activate the awesome power of your mind to live the life you have always envisioned is NOW. It is your life and your power to master.

Become the Powerful Person You Are to Get What You Most Want Out of Life.
My advice would be to start thinking, really thinking, where it is you would like to be heading and take affirmative action to that end.

Start now! Remember, many people only realize the true value of time after it has gone…!

Android Users Download Now Here “How to Get Anything You Want Guide “ Using 3 Mind Power Techniques

To your success!

23 May 2018

The Art of Active Listening

 It’s absolutely true, listening is an art. And sadly, it has become a lost art. Few actually do it well. It would seem to be a pretty simple concept, but there are several deterrents that get in the way.
 Many of us are guilty of starting a conversation and putting a thought or question out there. Instead of giving the other individual time to formulate a response, we immediately re-phrase the question or remark and answer it ourselves. In other words, we don’t give ourselves a chance to listen since we never stop talking.
The second reason is that even when we stop and wait for a response from the other person, we often don’t hear, or worse, comprehend, what they say because we are so busy formulating our reply to what we assume they will say. We want to be perceived as quick witted and always prepared with a snappy comeback to any question or comment.  The problem with all of this is that we are missing so much vital and crucial information.
I make my living organizing and producing corporate conferences and special events. My clients are usually executives who understand the value of gathering a group of customers and holding their attention for two or three days with a packed meeting agenda during the day and entertainment in the form of receptions and dinners during the evenings. These corporate undertakings are detail heavy and typically not inexpensive. However the cost can merit exponential returns when meticulously planned and well crafted and that’s where I come in.
When a client calls and tells me they want to discuss a new project, I listen. I want to hear every word, pick up on each nuance, and watch their non-verbal body language. When a person is excited to share information, or tell you a very key point, they intuitively lean forward as if to say, “don’t miss this next point because it is very important”. So I remain quiet to hear every word, notice the inflection of their voice, whether they raise or lower the volume and the tone they use and watch for non-verbal hints.
People ask me all the time what I attribute to creating a successful meeting and my answer, without a doubt, is to be a good listener. Hear what your client tells you, and how many times and ways they tell you the same thing. When they mention a particular element, such as the need for a timely and topical speaker or opening the conference with a themed party that will set the mood and tone, then I take note. It tells me what the core component needs to be and allows me to build and frame the other aspects of the meeting to correlate and coordinate from that point. 
Here’s my last tip to share about listening. Count to eight before you reciprocate.  I have been guilty of hi-jacking a conversation and realizing that I spoke too soon and cut off the other individual's response. It will seem like an eternity, but be smart and give the person with whom you are communicating the time to acknowledge your comment or statement. It builds respect and credibility. Not only does this expand the opportunities for communication, but you also allow yourself time to hear and take notice of their cerebral nuances. 

Happy listening. You’ll be surprised what you hear! 

13 May 2018

5 Secrets to A Long Lasting Relationship

It is a cliche to say that relationships are hard and need to be worked on daily. It doesn’t mean that the sentiment is untrue, but a fundamental law of our nature. Individual people are as unique as anything can be in the vast and diverse Universe. For two individual people with their own goals and priorities to hitch their destinies together and pull in the same direction for decades is no small feat of endurance.

It requires a few things in abundance to complete that journey to its inevitable end. Much of our society views relationships as either disposable or possessing an expiration date. Couples who stay together to the end view their relationships as forever and irreplaceable. But, how do you build a relationship that lasts forever?
If you have ever watched a child build an elaborate building out of wooden blocks or some contraption out of Legos, only to smash it apart in a second of gleeful destruction, then you understand the fundamentals of trust. It takes a long time to build and an instant to destroy. You and your partner have to trust each other. With your secrets, with your money, with your heart and with your very life. You build trust one brick at a time and you refuse to give in to that base desire to destroy it completely. You earn trust every day like interest on an investment. The longer you let it build, the more it is worth in the end.
It is easy to withdraw into the fortress of your heart and protect yourself. But, it is cold and lonely in that castle surrounded by high walls and a deep moat, yet you feel protected and safe. High walls and safety could also describe a prison, and that is what that fortress is. Freedom comes with risk. When you open your deepest feelings and hurts to your partner, you open yourself to risk, but also to liberation and acceptance. We are not perfect and we have all done things we are not proud of. Acknowledging our partners’ faults and accepting them for who they are without attempting to change them to fit our definition of perfection is to let ourselves be accepted in return. We grow to know each other and our imperfections and accept them and ourselves for who we are and what we are together.

Once we have established trust, opened our hearts to our partners and accepted them and ourselves for who we are, then we can love them without conditions. We love them even when they fail. We love them even when we are angry with them. We love them even when they feel that they don’t deserve it. It is easy to love someone who is perfect. Loving imperfect people is all we have. Love is like water, eternal and nourishing. Water will wear down the mountain eventually. Love will seep into the cracks and break that hard shell apart. Some people walk a desert, stumbling around looking for an oasis to get a drink of water. Be that oasis for your partner. Be that cool drink on a hot and dry day.
Sacrifice is the ultimate expression of love. You give up your deep personal desires in order to satisfy someone else. In great relationships the two people in that relationship sacrifice for one another in order to bring happiness, fulfilment and security to each other. It may be small daily sacrifices, like doing chores when you really want to lay down and read that new book. It might be passing on that promotion or new job so your kids can finish out the school year with their friends. It might be going to your in-laws for the holidays when you would rather be anywhere else. When you love someone without conditions, you give up some of your personal desires in order to build or maintain your relationship. Yes, sometimes we need to be a little selfish so we can recharge or heal, but when you are both feeding each other, than nobody starves.
The biggest secret is that both of you are in it to the end, come hell or high water. There is no quitting on each other. If your partner is having a hard time moving forward, then you carry them until they can. You do not leave people behind. Some people, though, see relationships as too hard or requiring to much sacrifice, or they think the grass is always greener on the other side. It is just being selfish. People are going to change over time and things will be tough. But, if we are open in our desires and wants, if we are honest and trust our partner, if we love them no matter what and are willing to sacrifice our desires to bring them happiness, then we can overcome any hardship life throws at us.

To your success

21 April 2018

How to Win and Influence People

Techniques in Handling People
  1. Don't criticize, condemn or complain.
  2. Give honest and sincere appreciation.
  3. Arouse in the other person an eager want.
Six ways to make people like you
  1. Become genuinely interested in other people.
  2. Smile.
  3. Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
  4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
  5. Talk in terms of the other person's interests.
  6. Make the other person feel important – and do it sincerely.
Win people to your way of thinking
  1. The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.
  2. Show respect for the other person's opinions. Never say, “You're wrong.”
  3. If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.
  4. Begin in a friendly way.
  5. Get the other person saying “yes, yes” immediately.
  6. Let the other person do a great deal of the talking.
  7. Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers.
  8. Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view.
  9. Be sympathetic with the other person's ideas and desires.
  10. Appeal to the nobler motives.
  11. Dramatize your ideas.
  12. Throw down a challenge.
Be a Leader: How to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment
  1. Begin with praise and honest appreciation.
  2. Call attention to people's mistakes indirectly.
  3. Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.
  4. Ask questions instead of giving direct orders.
  5. Let the other person save face.
  6. Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. Be “hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise.”
  7. Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to.
  8. Use encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct.
  9. Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest.

On criticism
Criticism is futile because it puts a person on the defensive and usually makes him strive to justify himself. Criticism is dangerous, because it wounds a person’s precious pride, hurts his sense of importance, and arouses resentment. …. Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain—and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.
That reminds me of this famous quote by Thomas Carlyle: “A great man shows his greatness by the way he treats little men.”
On dealing with people
When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.
On influence
[T]he only way on earth to influence other people is to talk about what they want and show them how to get it.
On the secret of success
If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own.

09 April 2018

Stop paying for music and images for your online business!

Hi, How are you?
We all try to produce more with less expenses.
We all know that paying for media can cost a lot and we also don't want any copyright issue.  But here are some resources you can use for free to get images and sounds.
For image and video
1 - Free images - https://pixabay.com/
2 -  Free video footage: https://pixabay.com/en/videos/list/
What is Pixabay?
On Pixabay you may find and share images free of copyrights. All pictures are released under Creative Commons CC0 into the public domain.  You can copy, modify, distribute, and use the images, even for commercial purposes, all without asking for permission or giving credits to the artist. However, depicted content may still be protected by trademarks, publicity or privacy rights. Read more in our blog.
Can Pixabay images be used on Facebook and other social platforms?
Yes, you may use Pixabay images on social media platforms.
3 - https://www.flickr.com/ - choose in advanced search to show you only "Commercial use allowed" - you will find a lot of images that you will not find anywhere
4 - Google images> search tool> usage right >  labeled for commercial use
For Sounds
http://freemusicarchive.org/curator/Video/ - The Free Music Archive is an interactive library of high-quality, legal audio downloads directed by WFMU, the most renowned freeform radio station in America. Radio has always offered the public free access to new music. The Free Music Archive is a continuation of that purpose, designed for the age of the internet. It was launched in 2009.
http://dig.ccmixter.org/free - The music discovery site used in
over 1 million videos and games
http://www.openmusicarchive.org/index.php - he Open Music Archive is situated within the current discourse surrounding notions of authorship, ownership and distribution, reanimated by a porting of Free/Libre and Open Source software models to wider creative contexts. The Open Music Archive concerns itself with the public domain and creative works which are not owned by any one individual and are held in common by society as a whole.
https://musopen.org/ - Musopen is a 501(c)(3) non-profit focused on increasing access to music by creating free resources and educational materials. We provide recordings, sheet music, and textbooks to the public for free, without copyright restrictions. Put simply, our mission is to set music free.
Sound effects  download
Free Sound Effects: http://www.freesfx.co.uk
You can use all of these site for your business.
Feel free to share this with your friends

01 March 2018

Inspiration 13 Movies You Should Watch if You Want to Become Successful

Your success depends largely on motivation and inspiration. Every person needs inspiration. It can acquired from everywhere in the world, even from the movies that depict realities. One person can learn from them as the stories teach the viewers in a very simple way. I like to watch movies not just for entertainment but for all the moral lessons in them,

There’s a lot to be learnt from these kinda movies. They show you how ordinary people have done great things tremendously.

Here are 13 best inspirational movies of all time:

1. Pirates of Silicon Valley (Best inspirational movies):

This movie depicts the story about the two big technology giants in world “Apple” and “Microsoft”, It is about their competition and their rise into big tycoons that they both are today. It’s slightly old for today’s era as the Social Network is more relevant but it still has some important information to learn from. If you want to be successful then you definitely need to check this out.
“Good artists copy….. Great artists steal.”

2. The Social Network:

The story is about the young & brilliant student of Harvard. It depicts the true story “Mark Zuckerberg”, The creator and founder of Facebook. His life story is extraordinary  and has been made famous by this movie as he starts as Harvard Student with huge potential and great mindset, he creates new social network based on the most valued email address of USA, the Harvard email address. The rest of the story is history.
“You don’t get to 500 million friends, without making a few enemies”

3. The Wolf of Wall Street:

The story is about a gentleman who became something very big from nothing. It contains motivation from the life of Jordan Belfort . This movie introduces how the business cultures are created in swiftly developing companies. The movie is based on the life of famous motivational speaker, author & former stockbroker, Jordan Belfort. If you have big goals then this movie is must watch !
“There’s no nobility in poverty.”

4. The Godfather:

Film made on the book I’d read, The story is about the small family business that grows into the largest crime family business in New York, they are fighting opposition at any expense. The Godfather and his son Michael Corleone are the brains behind the family’s business. This movie shows what it takes be the one of the most powerful family business in the country. Personally I think this is is also one of the legendary and best inspirational movies.
“An offer you can’t refuse.”

 5. Wall Street:

This is the story of a young and ambitious stockbroker who finds things to become successful. His motto is “Greed is good”. This movie is a clear example of how greed can ruin your business. It makes you question what happens when you’re pushed through your heels and asked to do something out of the box. In this story everything comes straight to young man and eventually he finds himself in illegal matters.
“Every dream has its price.”

 6. The Founder (Best inspirational movies) :

This is one of the best inspirational movies of all time as I would call it. It’s the story of Ray Kroc who made McDonald one of the greatest fast food restaurant chains in the entire world. It will show you how you can grow your business and expand it so more people can have access to it. It’s based on a true story so that same strategies can be applied in current times too.

 7. Office Space:

This film depicts the corporate world. Peter Gibbons, The man who is promoted further on doing the work his own way is then caught into trouble when his careless nature starts him to lead & steal from his company in a much bigger way than he thought. For those wanting to quit their day job and run into building their own company, this movie can be very helpful.
“Work Sucks.”

8. Shawshank Redemption:

The best movie with all the action in it, its the story of a man who manages to succeed from the worst possible conditions. It’s the story of a man who was taken to prison for the murder of his cheating wife, he uses the best out of worst situation and manages to achieve more than many might think.
“Fear can hold you prisoner, Hope can set you free.”

9. Startup.com:

Documentary film based on the business partners and their real-life startup that can be easily accessible 24/7 around the world. The movie shows the experience of dotcom prosperity and how friends can become enemies when they become business partners. If someone asked me my favorite among these best inspirational movies, I would tell this to watch this one
Entrepreneurship can give you rise and fall.”

10. Glengarry Glenn Ross:

This movie is based on selling competition that shows El Dorado won competition knocking Knives behind the rope however, that is the most exciting part of movie. It’s about how one should take failure and win the game. For me this was one of the best inspirational movies.
“Lie, Cheat, Steal, All In A Day’s Work.”

11. Boiler Room:

This movie is on a dropout from Queens College. He enters the world of Stockbroking in an early age to impress his father but soon he realizes that his earning potential is not very strong but later comes up with huge commissions that help him to survive. Soon he learns that everything is not what it looks like and after that he faces a dilemma of money, “greed vs. morals” and legality.
Motion creates Emotion!

12. Trading Places

This movie depicts the places of rich and poor in the society. It was a social experiment by Mortimer and Randolph Duke, brothers and owners of the brokerage firm that proves to be very interesting when they switched their places soon a life changing question arises that what is more important in life, friends and love, or money and power?
“Take two complete strangers,
make one of them rich the other poor…
just watch the fun while they’re…”

13. The Game

As the name of movie shows that it must be similar to any game; Yes ! it is. This movie shows the life of San Francisco’s banker who is so busy in business that it causes him to be alone then his young brother gives him the lifetime gift, which proves to change his views about world and lifestyle. The movie further makes you question that when bad things start to happen in your life, which is very important for you, business, success and money, or actually life with happiness?
“There are no rules in The Game.”


”Somebody once told me the definition of hell: On your last day on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become.” 
Sometimes, to become successful and getting closer to the person we can become, We don’t need to add more things, we need to give up on some of them.
Enough of the Best inspirational movies? Now you know which 13 movies you should be watching to be successful !
Perhaps one day we’ll be watching a movie about your success.
To our success! 

16 February 2018

Success Is Built On Failures

When Everyone Told Me I Was Going In a Wrong Direction, I Kept Going (Jack Ma)

The life of jack ma is an inspiration to everyone struggling with life.

Faced series of closed doors but his mantra (persistence is key to everything) kept him going.

He was turned down for 30 different jobs.

Rages to riches, earning $12 a month to becoming a multi billionaire. He attributes his sparkling success to relentless effort over a turn of luck.


Scored 1 out of 120 points on the math portion of his college entrance exam.

Getting a score of less than 1 percent in college entrance exam is something else completely. To quote ma: “i am not good at math, have never studied management, and still cannot read accounting reports.”But, he never needed to be good at math to become a billionaire. Perhaps even more impressive is that he never heard the word “computer” in his childhood.

Was the only interviewee (out of 24) rejected by kfc.

Out of 24 kfc applicants in his pool, 23 were hired. Ma was the only one to be rejected. He attributes this largely to his lack of good looks and short stature.


Jack ma says people lose out in life because of these 4 reasons: being myopic to opportunity, looking down on opportunities, lacking understanding, failing to act quickly enough


Money isn’t happiness, it’s responsibility.


When you have more than one billion dollars, or a hundred million dollars, that’s a responsibility you have. It’s the trust of people on you, because people believe you can spend money better than the others.

Expect the unexpected.

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.

To change the world, invest in youth.

Help young people. Help small guys. Because small guys will be big.

Wasn’t deterred after being rejected from harvard 10 times.


It’s not so much that being rejected from harvard 10 times is surprising, it’s that he bothered applying that many times in the first place. The very important thing you should have is patience.

There will always be haters

People who do believe in you won’t say anything to support you, but those who don’t will always jump out to say so, he said. That’s human nature.

You don’t need connections to achieve success. We only have the customers that support us.

Don’t be fixated on past successes.

Today, there are great opportunities, but if you are too fixated on the old ways of thinking, especially the successes of the past, you’ll suffer. Successful people are the most difficult people to change.


Before you turn 20 years old, be a good student  just to get some experience.

Before you turn 30 years old, follow somebody. A good boss teaches you differently.

Between 30 and 40 years old, you need to think clearly whether you want to work for yourself, if you really want to be an entrepreneur.

When you’re between 40 and 50 years old, you must do all the things that you are good at.

But when you are 50 to 60 years old, work for the young people.

When you are over 60 years old, spend time on yourself.

Source: https://thetechnologypost.com/