25 December 2016

Merry Christmas 2016!

Faith, hope and charity
May we always have these
Not just at Christmas time
But all the year throughout.
We tend to have more faith
More hope and charity
During the season
But can we keep it always
May you always have
Something to hope for
Faith in something bigger than you
And, dreams that come true.
And may you always
Share with others
Your blessings as a result
Of your hopes, faith, and dreams.
 Merry Christmas!

11 December 2016

Do you catch yourself looking out the window?


Do you catch yourself looking out the window, dreaming of a day when your life is less harried, you have time to pursue your hobbies and the freedom to travel whenever you want?

If so, early retirement may sound like a dream come true.

But early retirement isn’t as simple as it may seem.

One of the biggest decisions you will make is when to retire. Another is how much to spend in retirement.

In the end, retirement is what you make it out to be. What you want is a happy retirement, not just a retirement of "getting by".

 Achieving a happy retirement will take some planning and soul searching - and it will be well worth the time.

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Retirement Planning Guide Now!

To your healthy retirement!

04 December 2016

Entrepreneurs Guide To Focus!

Focus: What It Is and How it Works

First things first. What is focus, really? Experts define focus as the act of concentrating your interest or activity on something. That’s a somewhat boring definition, but there is an important insight hiding inside that definition.

 What is Focus?

In order to concentrate on one thing you must, by default, ignore many other things.
Here’s a better way to put it:

Focus can only occur when we have said yes to one option and no to all other options. In other words, elimination is a prerequisite for focus.

As the saying goes, “What you don’t do determines what you can do.”

It's so easy to lose focus, and become susceptible to being busy but not productive.
Sometimes we miss deadlines and unfortunately we even put off important things and then we wonder where our concentration has gone.

Successful entrepreneurship and productive leadership require a sharp focus and high effectiveness.

So how do you cultivate great concentration and improve your focus?

Focus and concentration can be difficult to master. Sure, most people want to learn how to improve focus and boost concentration. But actually doing it? We live in a noisy world and constant distractions can make focus difficult.

Better focus means better work, calmer days and more free time. The down side? There isn't one.

For Android Users only:

 Download Entrepreneurs Guide To Focus Now!

To your success!

22 November 2016

Law Of Attraction - The Quality Of Your Thoughts Determines The Quality Of Your Life

The Quality Of Your Thoughts
Determines The Quality Of Your Life

 If you think mainly positive thoughts and expectations, you naturally attract good, positive things, people and events to you. And if you hold negative thoughts and expectations, you attract negative experiences.

But the amazing thing is that if you know how, you can “program” the universe to respond to your wishes and desires. Amazing as it may seem, this is how the Law of Attraction works.

You Really Can Create Your Own Future! Read On To Find Out How!
By using some special techniques, you can create your reality. You can do this by attracting the things, people and places you want in your life towards you.

The conditions under which you can do this are defined by some universal laws of existence, creation and attraction. And the appearance in your life of what you want is called manifestation.

How Law of Attraction Can Work For You

The single most important thing determining what you have, what you attract to yourself, and what your future holds for you, is your belief system – in other words, what you believe to be true about yourself and the world around you.

Ghandi said:

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”

He was right, too. What you believe about yourself and the world becomes your reality, in effect your destiny.

We are powerful manifesting machines, but since we have 50 to 70 THOUSAND unconscious thoughts per day, of which about 80% are NEGATIVE we're not always manifesting wonders!

While it's true that the first step to using the law of attraction is shifting to more positive way of thinking, the reason people give up working with LOA is that they believe that if they start thinking positive thoughts, then all their dreams will manifest.
The law of attraction is not a magic wand. Because the brain preferentially scans and stores negative experiences, we have to consciously, habitually build the positive mental muscle. We all have layers and layers of stories, limiting beliefs, fears and blocks that have become the interior landscape of our minds and cannot be changed overnight just by thinking positive thoughts.
In order to become a master at manifesting with the law of attraction, we have to undo the patterns that have been stored in our unconscious and replace them with positive, empowering patterns. In other words, rewire the brain.
It may sound complicated, but it's not.

The law is simply this: We attract whatever we think about, good or bad.

To your success!