05 September 2016

Pokemon GO Marketing Tricks Part 2: 6 -10..

Trick #6: Monitor, Monitor, Monitor. – Keep records of your engagement and traffic (on your website, social media pages, and in your physical store) prior to beginning initiatives so you have data to compare. Let initiatives run for one week, then monitor to see if it has driven up social media engagement or in-store sales.

Trick #7: Match Your Business With Your Online Brand. – Ensure your online presence matches the style portrayed by your physical location. Is your brand recognizable in both physical and digital locations? Match your colors, design choices, and even the attitude portrayed by your posts with what is encountered at the store.

Trick #8: Reward The Best. – If you’re lucky enough to be a Gym, trainers will naturally come to you to claim it for their own. There are three teams: Instinct (yellow), Valor (red), and Mystic (blue). Offer a special promotion for the members of the team who hold your gym. Offer an even better promotion for the gym leader! You can check a trainer’s team on their Pokemon Go app, and the gym leader from your own.

Trick #9: A Little A Day is Better Than A Lot One Day. – It’s tempting to conquer a mountain of work all at once, then sit back and relax. It’s a lot easier that way. Unfortunately, that’s not how social media works. Social media is driven by engagement, and engagement is constant. Better to have one post per day than 7 posts on one day with nothing else for the rest of the week. Keep your followers in the loop, every day, that you’re an active Pokemon Go participant!

Trick #10: Videos and Pictures. Your Social Media Presence Is Not A Newspaper– This really is straight forward. Have lots of multimedia options, but emphasize on images and video clips, not text. This is a great opportunity to invite your patrons to submit or post pictures of the Pokemon they encounter at your store or restaurant. This is great content that features your storefront, plus it encourages loads of engagement on your page. 

Part 3: Trick 11 -15 Coming up! cheers

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