11 September 2016

Pokemon GO Marketing Tricks Part 11 to 15...

Trick #11: Ubiquity. – Ensure you are everywhere. Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook… If you’re a PokeStop or a Gym, make sure everyone knows--online and at your store. Put a sign out front to welcome Pokemon Trainers. Are you going to drop a Lure Module at a certain time today? Tell everyone that, too! Get creative, up front and involved.

Trick #12: Respond, Respond, Respond. – Nothing kills social media engagement like a page/site that doesn’t have interactive owners. You must respond to queries and appreciate comments within the hour, else traffic will move on. If 100 trainers ask per day what time you will release a Lure, answer 100 times.

Trick #13: Don’t Waste Lure Modules. – Some businesses drop Lure Modules when they don’t need them. Very bad strategy. If your shop or restaurant is full, why would you want to attract even more people? Does a fisherman bait the hook when the fish are so plentiful that they’re jumping into the boat?

Trick #14: Drop Lure Modules When They’ll Be Most Effective. – Let’s say Wednesday afternoons are notoriously slow. This is when you’ll want to activate Lure Modules. Make sure to notify your online following as well, so both trainers around the corner and trainers browsing Facebook at home will be tempted to come in.

Trick #15: Avoid Monotony. – If everyone knows that you only drop your Lure Modules at noon from Tuesday to Thursday, why would trainers check your social media pages or stop by any other time? Now what if they only know when to check online for your announcement, which changes each day?  They’ll bookmark, or like, your page to keep in the loop on when you’ll be a Poke-hotspot. 

Final part 16 -21 coming up!

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