14 February 2013

5 Top Tips For Celebrating Valentine’s Day On A Budget

5 Top Tips For Celebrating Valentine’s Day On A Budget

Nobody wants to scrimp on Valentine’s day and give their partner less than they deserve, but when you just don’t have the money you really don’t have a choice. Many of us are currently experiencing the effects of the poor economy, and even if we have jobs most of us are still keeping our costs down to the bare minimum. But that doesn’t mean Valentine’s day has to be a disappointment. Here are some great tips for ways to celebrate Valentine’s day on a budget.

Make Something: This isn’t just for the creative types, anyone can go for a home made gift – and it doesn’t have to be a load of rubbish! The time and effort that you put into a truly heartfelt homemade gift will definitely go down a storm.

Why not buy a nice book of paper, get some photos printed and make a little picture album? Or you could write a poem on some high quality card and decorate it, or simply draw a picture. Some dismiss ideas like these as stupid, but if you put a bit of time into making the gift, you’ll get good results. Don’t rush it, give yourself a couple of weeks to finish and you’ll have a gift worth giving – and sure to warm your partners heart.

Take A Romantic Walk: Romantic walks are great – they can take you to some nice scenic places, give you a chance to have some meaningful conversation and spend some quality time together – all for free! If you can’t think of a romantic walk to take in your area then ask around and see if anyone can suggest a place that you don’t know about.

Of course, taking a romantic walk is just a stand in for doing anything that’s free. You could visit a local village, fly a kite, go hiking, have a picnic in the park and many other things besides. Any of these things can make for a great romantic Valentine’s date – just use your imagination.

Prepare A Special Home Cooked Meal: Save yourself on the expense of dining out by preparing an extra special home cooked meal. Ditch those ready meals and regular easy dishes that you make all the time and do some research.

Either pick a recipe from a book that you own, or do a bit of research on the internet – there’s a whole world of great recipes out there waiting to be found. Many of them are even reviewed by people who’ve tested them out for themselves. Not only is this cheaper than eating out, but it’s more meaningful to your partner who will see that you care about them and want to do something nice for them yourself.

Look Out For Deals: Many places offer Valentine’s dining deals. However, sometimes these are more costly than a regular meal. But if you have vouchers for a particular restaurant, or find a 2 for 1 coupon at a nice eatery near you then you can cut your costs significantly. Just keep your eyes open, or even search the web for coupon deals valid at restaurants in your area.

Get Them A Gift You Know They Want: Not all gifts of equal price are of equal value. This means that spending a lot of money on something doesn’t always make it a better gift. Go and buy your partner something they want – it doesn’t have to be useful or boring like a pair of socks, although it can be. But pay attention to what your partner says they need, and buy one of those things if it doesn’t cost too much money. That way you’re guaranteed to please your partner with their present, and you can make the day extra special with a home cooked meal and a nice box of chocolates.


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