23 June 2012

Alternative Approaches to Smoking Cessation


Are you making progress on quitting smoking?

Maybe you tried the gums or lozenges and didn’t have as much success as you hoped you would have.  Or you want to get completely away from the oral gratification approach because it just reminds you of smoking!

The alternative methods for smoking cessation can actually be faster than the nicotine replacement therapies.  Hypnosis has long been a highly effective method for smoking cessation.

Forget what you see in the movie.  Hypnosis isn’t some voodoo spell - it’s simply supporting your desire by training your subconscious mind to receive stop smoking suggestions.

The secret of hypnosis is that no one can make you do anything you don’t want to do.  But if you really do want to stop smoking, hypnosis works for many people in just one or two sessions.

Once the subconscious mind is freed from a false belief that smoking is necessary to reduce stress, as an integral part of socializing or for a pleasurable nicotine rush, then it’s much easier for the subconscious mind to support the conscious goal to stop smoking.

            Acupuncture and acupressure are usually associated with medical conditions – particularly, pain management.  These therapies are also very useful for smoking cessation.

Acupuncture originated from Chinese medicine and has been used for over 3,000 years.  It works by balancing the “chi” or energy within the body.  The tiny needles used aren’t painful, yet they act to reduce the body’s craving for nicotine.

For some people, the desire to smoke disappears in a few days after the first treatment.  Acupressure is similar as far as seeking to re-balance the body - only it’s done with massage-like pressure rather than needles.

            Laser therapy blends the high technology of lasers with the centuries-old techniques of acupuncture.  In place of the acupuncture needles, a low-power laser beam is used.

Just as acupuncturists target the earlobes as a significant pressure point to curb cravings, the laser pulse is also aimed at the earlobes.  There’s no pain or burning.  It feels warm, like sitting under a light bulb.

After treatment, you feel relaxed and refreshed.  What actually happens is a release of endorphins - the body’s feel good hormone - which creates a sense of well being that’s more satisfying than nicotine.

            Hypnosis, acupuncture, acupressure and laser therapies may seem to be more expensive than gums or patches, but you have to weigh the benefits against the costs.
If you can stop smoking in one or two sessions of these treatments, even if you pay $50 to $100 each, then you can be financially ahead compared to the price of keeping your cigarette habit alive.

Using gum, inhalers or patches costs less per purchase, but if you use them daily for months, then you’re likely spending more money in the end.  Plus, you’re prolonging the withdrawal process, which is frustrating and gives you more chances to relapse.

            Hypnosis is so effective that many hospitals and medical centers sponsor Smoking Cessation with Hypnosis programs.  Acupuncture and acupressure are still more eastern medicine than western medicine, but are readily available from competent practitioners.

Laser therapy for smoking cessation is the new kid on the block.  You need to look around for a physician, medical-spa or stop smoking clinic that offers this therapy.  Lasers may seem a bit like Star Wars technology, but they’re wonderful tools for healing.


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