08 November 2007

5 Strategies to Guarantee Your Business Success!

Life is a game. You need to know the name of the game. Be a player NOT spectator. If you don't have a plan, you will fit into somebody's plan! Follow these 5 simple steps to achieve success in your business. Will You allow me to help You?

A. A Positive Attitude
Your attitude can make or break you. How can you stay "up" when there are so many things that can bring you "down"? Your next move is your choice - positive or negative.
What can I do that will be to my best advantage?
Definition of Success: The continuous journey toward achievement of pre-determined , worthwhile goals.
B. What are the characteristics and work habits that separate the average from the high income earners?
1. They radiate confidence and strength in their walk, talk and overall presence.
2. They balance ego with warm and sincere empathy for the people they serve.
3. They reach within themselves for the strengh to overcome obstacles and pain to succeed.
4. They do what they plan to do in writing daily.
5. They keep themselves in a positive shell and avoid jealously, gossip , anger or negative thinking.
6. They love people and use money instead of using people and loving money.
7. They strive to keep their lives in balance, and know they must strive for success in all areas.
8. They invest monthly in the greatest investment on earth, their minds!
9. They are highly goal oriented. There are five elements in achieving any goal.
a. Find a goal
b. Write it down
c. Attach a date
d. Tell 3 people who hold you accountable
e. Attach a condition

C. ExtraOrdinary Work Ethics
1. Starting focused in the day.
2. Following through on help requests for your people.
3. Thinking of new ways to help market products or services.
4. Continuing to give your best efforts throughout the day.
5. Adopting the work philosophy of “I must always do the extra things that ordinary people refuse to do”.

D. 360 degree Product /Service Knowledge
a. Know and understand everything about your products and services. Know everything about your competition products and services. Applied knowledge is Power!
E. Excellent Networking skillsBasic networking skills+ consultative skills= A long term successful business relationship
Have excellent basic skills is the beginning for achieving consultative or relational selling success.
You can’t have one without the other. The biggest single obstacle for most people in business will be that of:
F - False
E - Expectations
A - Appearing
R - Real

The professional Creed

I am not judged by the number of times I fail,but by the number of times I succeed.And the number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I can fail and keep trying.

all the best,
Bobby Wan

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